Auto Clicker For Mac With Pick Location

Free and fast, open source, full-featured, statically-linked mouse auto clicker for Windows written in vanilla C. Uses hardware-limited arrayed Win32 SendInput calls to reach up to 100000 clicks/s. Supports command line, random clicks and sequences of clicks (since v. Note in the above screenshot that there are few configurable options allowing you whether to click the color found or click at a different screen location if color is found. Yes you can easily pick screen location to click if color is found. The check-box Display Search Allows you to visually see the Color Search being performed by the Auto.

When you want to Click at 2 Different Screen Locations, you can create a Script and execute the Script which in turn will Automatically Click at pre-defined Screen Locations. The Given below Screenshot displays a Script in which 2 Left Click Actions have been added and a Keyboard Shortcut F6 has been assigned to execute the Script. In this post let’s walk through the steps required to create and execute this Macro Script.


To get Started, open the Auto Mouse Click Software and use the Pick Button to add 2 Left Clicks. Using the Pick Button requires you to Click on the Pick Button and then click on the desired Screen Location. This process can be repeated to add another Left Click to the Script and can be virtually used to add as many Clicks to the Script as required. The post Add Macro Actions to the Script talks in detail about this process and is really easy to follow.

Once you have got 2 Left Clicks added to the Script, you need to assign a Keyboard Shortcut with which you can execute this Script which in turn will Execute all the Actions in the Script. The Steps required to Assign a Keyboard Shortcut to Start Execution of the Script are as follows:

  1. Do a Manual Mouse Click on the Last White Colored Box which has None written on it.
  2. Use the Keyboard to press a Keyboard Shortcut, let’s use F6 in this example.
  3. Click on Assign.

Once you have completed above steps, you can Minimize the Script Window and still press F6 to execute your Script. In case you do have a big Monitor or a Multiple Monitor Windows Computer, you can Move the Script Window outside the Clicking area and press F6 to Start Automated Mouse Clicking.

Advanced Auto Mouse Click Software with Advanced Mouse Clicking and Key Pressing Features

Auto clicker 2 locations

In this Example, first the Script will Execute Action Number 1 and then after the pre-defined time delay of Action Number 2, it will execute the Second Action. This is called as Synchronous Script Execution in which Macro Actions are executed in order so Number 1 Action gets executed first, then Number 2 Action and so on. In case you want Asynchronous Mouse Clicking at Multiple Screen Locations, you can use the Software Screen as displayed in the above Screenshot which allows you to Click at Multiple Screen Locations with individual Time Delay control.

Pick location auto clickers

Automatically Clicking at pre-defined Screen Color at Specific Screen Location is done by Automatic Color Clicker. Automation is is the word used to describe such Automated Tasks which normally require Human Intervention. An Automatic Color Clicker can also be described as a Screen Sensor which interacts with Mouse Cursor, however in this type of Automatic Clicking on Screen there is no extra hardware involved. It can even work when the Screen is turned Off and requires you to download a software application.

The above Screenshot displays a simple and easy to use Auto Color Clicker. Note carefully that it detects Color Change at specific Screen Location as identified by pressing a Keyboard Shortcut Key. Also note that you can even configure the Color Change Action to be executed only when the specific Color of the Screen Location changes to another pre-defined color. Other configuration setting of the software allows you to specify which program / file should be launched when the Color of the Specific Screen Location changes as defined in the Software Settings. There are lots of ways in which you can utilize this Color Matching functionality apart from being used as Auto Color Clicker which requires usage of two software applications, i.e. Color Change Detector and another Software which can be used to Create a Mouse Clicking Script as displayed below. This way of Color Change Detection does not requires you to have programming experience, however you must plan appropriately and test the functionality before applying it to an actual scenario.

Auto clicker for mac

Mouse Clicking Script Software

Auto Clicker For Mac No Download

Pick location auto clickers

You can also define the repeat count of the color change detection and also define the time interval at which the Auto Color Clicker must detect the Changes in Screen Color. Yes you can define multiple Screen Locations and Multiple Screen Colors to be detected automatically at your defined time interval. Another post on this website titled Monitor Screen Changes defines how you can detect Screen Changes (by matching Screen Pixel Color) and take appropriate action. The Links mentioned in this post provides links to tutorials and other related information. Yes both of the Windows Automation Software Applications presented are Free to Download and try. Whichever Windows Operating System you are using, as long as the Screen Color Changes on your Windows Computer are pre-programmed / fixed, the software application(s) presented here can add Automation to the Process saving human efforts, time and money.

Best Auto Clickers For Mac

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