Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer

TamaniCorp Hora Series Dong Designer

  1. Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer Online
  2. Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer
  3. Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer Song
  4. Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer Handbags
  5. Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer Clothing
Dong D.
Base Price5000
Defensive TargetSelf
Additional FlagsNot Usable by Default

Lettering in luminescent paint declares it to be a TamaniCorp Dong Designer. These things are incredibly expensive, even in the core. You’ve seen them in less savory holos - they get installed in elite nightclubs or exclusive spas, particularly along the human/ausar border worlds where the two races mix.

With only a few button presses, you can use this to change the appearance of your penis to be satisfying to a partner of almost any race. Of course, you found this one on a junkyard, so maybe there's something strange about it.


The United States might, in fact, want to invite the Soviets to design the inspection procedures if they seem interested in them.' 'The Soviet Union apparently never contemplated the overt use of military force against Western Europe,' wrote Halperin in his 1971 Defense Strategies for the Seventies. 'The Soviet posture has been,. The Trials of James Collins Johnson LO LITA BUCKN E R I NN ISS 272 pages. 14 b/w illustrations 341. Hardback. $29.95 (HC), £23.99 Simultaneous electronic edition available. Rational Drug Design: Using Biology, Chemistry, and Physics to Develop New Drug Therapies Staff Writers: George Shan '23, Carolina Guerrero '23, Samantha Hedley '23, Anna Kolln '22, Dev Kapadia.

Known to cause moderate amounts of taint. Check your Codex for details.

A TamaniCorp-brand product.


Can be found in the rust ridges of Tarkus, at the metal ravine. When first discovered, the player character can choose to Take It or Leave It. If taken, it will be placed in the inventory.


An upgraded Dong designer can be found and used in the forge on Zheng Shi.

When using an upgraded Dong designer the PC will have access to:

  • Additional Penis types
  • The ability to choose their new penises color


This item can be installed on ship or sold for credits.

While in the inventory, it will slow down Steele's walking speed by half and it cannot be used without first plugging it into a power source. A valid power source can be found in the interior of the ship, where it can be installed and used. After it is installed, it can be used by accessed under the 'D.Designer' option in the storage menu.

On Use
Condition Effect
  • No penis
  • Unable to use machine
  • Regular
    • Has a penis with shaft thickness at 4 or less
    • And length at 20 or less
  • Upgraded
    • Any Penis size
  • If multiple penises, choose a valid penis
  • Choose from the various options:
    • Regular
      • Terran (Human)
      • Ausar (Canine)
      • Kaithrit (Feline)
      • Kui-Tan
      • Leithan (Naga)
      • Gryvain
      • Equine
    • Upgraded
      • Vulpine
      • Swine
      • Demonic
      • Tentacle
      • Draconic
      • Saurian
  • Upgraded Dong designer
  • List of colors
    • Pink
    • Red
    • Bright Red
    • Dark Red
    • Orange
    • Amber
    • Green
    • Blue
    • Purple
    • Mottled Pink and Black
    • Black
    • Gray
    • Silver
    • Natural
      • When chosen picks a random 'natural' color for chosen penis type

When used, the device will have immediate permanent effects on the player character, or will have no effect.

Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer Online

Condition Change
  • After selection
  • If cum load greater than 1500 mL, the machine will backwash
  • If cum load greater than 5000 mL, the machine will flood
  • Change penis type to selected type
  • Increase taint by 2
  • After selection
  • Used the Dong Designer before
  • Total number of penises less than 10
  • 1/10 chance to:
    • Split the select penis length into two
    • Both penises will be about half of the length of the original
    • Increase taint by 4

Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer

Retrieved from ‘’

There’s some legwork to be done before meeting Feruze on Dhaal – namely attending a high class party to make connections and perhaps gain some intel on who – if anyone – knows where the probe is! This patch includes an early version of the party, still lacking some polish (and prizes), but I will be looking at adding a cheat code so that it can be revisited if you want to try it now without missing out on rewards.

Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer Song

0.8.111 Changelog:

Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer Handbags

  • New Party even on Dhaal! To start it off, head to the northmost Taxi station (and I don’t mean the one in the spaceport). Depending on your actions at the party, you’ll get to meet one of Dhaal’s CEOs and, perhaps, even curry enough favor to receive a gift (PRIZES NOT YET IMPLIMENTED).
    • Note: you need appropriate party attire to attend. Appropriate clothing is sold on Dhaal. If you think other classy outerwear should also be tagged as appropriate, feel free to report it as a bug, and I’ll make a call on it tomorrow.
  • New Busts: Zaika Peers (3x + Nude variants), XOs (Dhaal cybernetic security gals), Male Zil.
  • New Dane blowjob image in the image pack, courtesy of SheepPun.
Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer

Tomorrow’s patch should polish up bugs, add in the missing rewards, and give you guys a cheat code to replay it. Savin did fantastic work on writing the event, and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Trials In Tainted Space Dong Designer Clothing

P.S. There’s two hidden mini-events in the party that can proc featuring Anno or Beth Carver, depending on their states and previous interactions.

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